The founders.

Ben Wearne
Suggest it brings together Ben’s long-time interest in business and entrepreneurship, and a desire to help people and communities.
Ben worked for many years in the environmental and health fields, before turning to business where he thrived on leading companies to evolve and succeed. This experience offered him insight into the value of fresh ideas in the long-term success of a business.
Ben passionately believes in the rewards of collaboration and the sharing of ideas, which is at the heart of Suggest it.

Nick Clare
Nick’s extensive experience in global consumer goods and elite sports industries has given him first-hand knowledge of the importance of customer voice.
This knowledge, combined with Nick’s entrepreneurial spirit, are the driving forces behind his motivation and excitement to co-found Si.
Nick believes organisations of all sizes can achieve growth through innovation, and that the exchange of free, positive and private ideas can significantly contribute to business success.